This is one of the best doll/toy auctions we have had in a long time!!

*1870's French Black Bisque Poupee*
*French Bisque Laughing Jumeau*
*Rare, Pale Bisque French Character Doll*
*French Bisque, Pouty Face Character Girl*

*Lots of German Character Bisque Dolls*
*German Bisque Babies--Lori Baby, Bonnie Babe, Kaiser Baby, JDK Babies*

*Rare Kaiser Wilhelm China Doll*
*Glass Eyed Parian*
*German Chinas--Covered Wagon, Jenny Lind & Flat Tops*
*Doll House Size Dolls*
*Cabinet Sized Dolls*
*All Bisque & Small Bisque Dolls*

*Old Felt Lenci Guitar Player & Opium Smoker*
*Old Felt Lenci Dolls*
*Chad Valley Dolls & Animals*
*R John Wright Peppermint Scootles*
*Old Mohair Teddy Bears*
*Steiff Bears & Animals*
*Madame Alexander Posey Pets French Poodle*
*Old Asian Horse Drawn Wagon Toy w/Man & Woman on Bench Seat*

*Doll Clothes & Youth Cloth*
*Old Cotton Clothes*

*Large All Composition Shirley Temple--Very Good Condition*
*Lg. Selection of Composition Dolls*
*Lots of Madame Alexander Dionne Quint Dolls*
*(2) Skookum Bully Good Dolls--All Orginal in Box*
*(2) Celluloid Kathe Kruse Dolls*

Sunday, April 27th, 2025     11:00 AM     Preview 8:00 AM
5353 No. 27th Street     Lincoln, Nebraska
(Auction held at the Country Inn & Suites--Lower Level)

Auction Directions:
At the intersection of No. 27th & Superior Streets,
Travel North 1/2 Mile to Folkways Blvd.,
Turn Left/West on Folkways Blvd. (1) Block to No. 26th Street,
Turn Left/South and go to the end of the building.



Photos have not been posted. 

 fulllistingsmall  photossmall directionssmall 



We have posted a fairly detailed listing below.
Photos to come within 10 days.


FRENCH BISQUE:  16"  1870's French Black Bisque Poupee;  20" French Bisque Laughing Jumeau #236 Toddler;  
22" Rare, Pale Bisque French Character Doll w/uncut solid dome;  18"French Pouty Face Character Girl.


GERMAN BISQUE & CHARACTER DOLLS:  33 Kestner "N";  31" JDK #214 Child Doll;  30" JDK #257;  35" Kestner #142;  16" JDK Character Boy;
Gebruder Heubach
Character Dolls;  Bahr & Proschild Character Boy;  JDK Character Boy;  Coquette;  SPBH “Hanna;”  
15" G. Heubach #8192 Character Girl; 
Early Kestners;  32" H. Handwerck;  15" H. Handwerck #109;  32" Simon Halbig #1078; 
22 S. Halbig #550;  22" Revalo Character Child;  18" German Lady Doll w/pierced ears;  30" H. Koppelsdorf #267 Thuringia Character Girl; 
21" Bahr & Proschild #641 Character Boy;  27" ABG mark 11;  27" ABG #1123;  24" ABG #1362;  22" Early Kestner "M;" 
21" Early Kestner Turned Shoulderhead;  Early Kestner 9;  25" Kestner #166;  Hertel Schwab;  A. Marseille.

GERMAN BISQUE BABIES:  15" Swaine & Co. “Lori Baby;”  15" G. Averill “Bonnie Babe;”
15" K*R “Kaiser Baby;”  14" JDK #247;  17" JDK #260;  18" JDK Solid Dome;  G. S. Putnam By-Lo-Babies; 
21" H. Koppelsdorf #342 Toddler;  15"
Revalo 22-5;  Hertel Schwab;  24" Kley & Hahn #167; 
24" Catterfelder Puppenfabrik #262 & #263;  Solid Dome Character Babies.   


CHINA DOLLS:  20" Rare Kaiser Wilhelm China Doll;  20" Glass Eyed Parian;  24" Blond Haired Parian;  12" Brown Haired Italian China;
15" Frozen Charlie; 
German Chinas--12" Covered Wagon, 23" Jenny Lind, 25" Flat Top Curly Bangs,  23" ABG #890,
23" Dolly Madison  17" with Feather Bangs, Center Parts, Most with Original Bodies.  


OTHER BISQUE DOLLS:  4" Happifats;  7" Baby Bud;  5" All Bisque Bye-Lo-Baby;  7" Kewpies;  
All Bisque Dolls;  8" All Bisque Kestner #208;  Small Bisque Dolls to include—7" SPBH "Hanna;"  8" Simon Halbig;
8" French Bisque Soldier;  7" E. Heubach #269 Character Boy;  Doll House Size Dolls--7" Gentleman & Lady; 
Cabinet Sized Dolls;  14" G. Heubach Coquette";  11" G. Heubach Boy;  10" G. Heubach #8420 Character Boy;
9" G. Heubach 64.9;  Small Bisque Dolls;  Half Bisque Dolls; Piano Babies.

LENCI, FELT, BEARS, ANIMALS & TOYS:  20" Old Felt Lenci Guitar Player;  12"Old Felt Lenci  Opium Smoker;
23", 22" & 16" Old Felt Lenci Dolls;  17" & 12"  Chad Valley Dolls;  Vintage Chad Valley Animals--White Mohair Terrier & Polar Bear Cub;
Norah Wellings;  Old Cloth & Felt Dolls; 
R John Wright Peppermint Scootles;  Old Mohair Teddy Bears;  8" Felt Italian "Peck & Peck" Mouse;
Vintage & New Steiff Bears, Animals
& Caveman;  13" Madame Alexander Posey Pets French Poodle;  14"All Cloth Nancy (from Nancy & Sluggo);
15" Felt German Football Player;  Old Asian Horse Drawn Wagon Toy w/Man & Woman on Bench Seat;  Vintage Hide Covered Horses;
Vintage Teddy Bears, Poodles, Bully Dog, Monkeys, Horses & Other Animals;  Black Americana Cloth Dolls;  (2) 15' Vintage Kathe Kruse Boy & Girl;
Vintage Black & White Lenci Promotional Doll Photo Boards;  Schoenhut Piano;  Doll Sized Organ Stool.


 COMPOSITION DOLLS: 22” Shirley Temple--Very Good Condition;  Several Set of M. Alexander Dionne Quint Dolls with Teeter Totter & Swing; 
M . Alexander Doctor Defoe & Nurse Dolls;  M. Alexander Snow White, Sonja Henie & Other Dolls;  (2) 16" Skookum Bully Good Dolls--All Original in Box; 
Freundlich Military Dolls;  Shirley Temple, DeAnna Durbin, Ideal Judy Garland, Monica, Patty Perispheral NY World’s Fair Doll, Jackie Robinson,
Kewpie, Buddy Lee, Pinocchio, Popeye, Knickerbocker Snow White & (7) Dwarves, Lone Ranger & Tonto, Cloth Roy Rogers.


MISC:  Reproduction Dolls;  Doll Clothes & Doll Shoes;  French Fashion Outfits;  Christening Gowns;
Doll Dome & Doll Cases;  Doll Buggy.


For further information, please contact our office at 402-475-7312.
*For Detailed Itinerary/Catalogues please send $5 for each day to our office and specify which day/s you wish to receive*     

Thank you for attending!
Norman L. Ford – Founder      Gregory A. Ford – Salesman
2000 West Denton Road Lincoln, NE 68523
www.fordfordauctioneers.com or www.fordford.net
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.              


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